Library of Recorded Teachings

This is a collection of guided meditations, recorded classes and trainings that are now available for purchase. To learn more information about each and/or purchase access to the content, please click on the image.

Ancestral Wisdom Teachings

The purpose of this offering comes from Natalie and Orlando’s own healing experiences and their work in supporting others. There is a strong need for people to address the generational trauma and reconnect with the wisdom of their ancestors. We hold this prayer for you to build a positive relationship with your ancestors, understand how their experiences have impacted you, and learn how to be a positive influence for future generations. Click on the image for more information.

Sacred Discernment as Times Unwind: A ceremonial training with Liv Mokai Wheeler and Natalie Zacharias

Perhaps now more than ever, the importance of a keenly, precisely honed extra-sensory compass attuned to the North Star of Sacred Discernment is becoming apparent for many of us. As we navigate the current collective waters, it seems that in the medicine bundle of the Heart and the Soul, the Earth and the Stars, tools made of deepening dialogues, relationships, and connection to what is true for oneself and what is existing amongst us become more paramount. One may ask, how can a heartfelt, otherworldly Sacred Discernment practice illuminate not only the waters of the times currently unwinding before our eyes, but also support in the creation of a blossoming and spirited New, Ancient Earth? How can we come together in ceremony to deepen into ways of sacred being that can help to lovingly, yet with eyes open, sharpen our senses and show the way forward around the twisty bend of time? How can we listen to our own hearts, to the heart of the other, and simultaneously lean our ears to hear the wisdom of the Ancients? How can we come together to join our hands and hearts around and with the whole of humanity and the Otherworld?

Liv Mokai Wheeler and Natalie Zacharias have created this ceremonial training recording in honor of life and the deepening practice of Sacred Discernment as the times before us unwind into a new era. Liv Mokai shared sacred spiritual teachings and gnosis from her Otherworldly medicine satchel. Natalie Zacharias shared from her heart and multidimensional medicine satchel as well. Together, they have shared wisdom and the medicinal pearls that they have received in their respective journeys with regards to Sacred Discernment in support of humanity in these times.

Audio Recording is now available to download for $55 USD.

Navigating Conflict is an online self-paced program that is broken down in four sections. This program was designed to support your healing around your relationship to conflict.

Click on the image above to learn more about the program.

The Emotion Code® for Daily Clearing Class Recording

An online Zoom class to share the ways to use The Emotion Code® as a daily practice as well as go over the flow. This is for folks wanting to have a consistent personal clearing practice. We will also participate in a 21-day daily clearing challenge and schedule a follow-up meeting to share our experiences.

Click on the image to access the recording.

Guided Meditation for Grounding

This is a short 11 minute guided meditation for grounding to the Earth and connecting with your higher soul self. This was created to help you channel high frequency energy through your body to help clear your field and ground yourself.

Click on the image to purchase access the audio recording.

Coming soon!

Daily Reflection Journal with Positive Affirmations

The Daily Reflections Journal with Positive Affirmations is great for someone who is wanting to grow and become a better version of themselves. At the end of each day, take 5 minutes to answer your daily prompts and free write anything else you want to record from your day. At the bottom of each page you will find a positive affirmation that you can choose to embody. Positive affirmations are such a powerful tool for rewiring the way you talk to yourself. Some people choose to repeat certain affirmations several times a day. I encourage you to experiment with these affirmations and watch what changes you experience. Enjoy!

Click on the image to purchase the journal on Amazon.

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